Our Team

Mike Bamford

Dr Mike Bamford's (B.Sc. Hons. Ph.D., Murdoch University 1986) principle area of work is in population ecology of vertebrates (amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals) in relation to changing environments, including changes due to fire and minesite rehabilitation. His doctoral research was on the impact of fire upon small vertebrates in Banksia woodland near Perth and he has been an environmental consultant since 1987. He is a regular guest lecturer at Curtin and Edith Cowan Universities. Mike was Chairman of the WA Group of Birdlife Australia (2002-2004), and on the National Council of Birdlife Australia (2005-2011), was a regular columnist (“The Wild Side”) to the West Australian’s Earth 2000 section from 1997 to 2003, and is also an established biological illustrator. He received the Alex Harris Memorial Prize for Science Journalism in 1999, and was jointly awarded (with Mandy) the inaugural Biodiversity Ambassadorship Award by the Curtin Institute for Biodiversity and Climate in 2011.

​Mandy Bamford

Mrs Mandy Bamford (B.Sc. Hons., Zool., University of Western Australia 1983) has extensive experience in wetland ecosystems, including rehabilitation and management, bird surveys, and has a keen interest in Science Communication and particularly community environmental education. Mandy has worked on award winning residential projects including the RGC Wetlands Centre which was awarded the National Landcare Award (Industry section) for 1991, and Mariners Cove, a residential development alongside the Creery Wetlands in Mandurah for Cedar Woods Properties Ltd which received the 2002 UDIA WA Award for Environmental Excellence (2002), UDIA National Award for Environmental Excellence (2003) and HIA WA GreenSmart Development of the Year (2003). Mandy presents community workshops, designs and writes interpretative signage, co-ordinates the production of printed and electronic education packages and has co-written a book on Mammals of the Avon Region for the W.A. Department of Environment and Conservation.


Most work carried out by the partnership is done by these partners, but we have a number of sub-consultants who are used for assistance in the field and for office duties such as data entry and report writing. These sub-consultants form a cooperative network that enables Bamford Consulting to undertake large scale and multiple projects. All sub-consultants operate their own offices, have their own ABNs and in most cases are registered for GST. All field work is carried out by experienced field zoologists. All our sub-consultants have had more than five years’ experience, and some more than twenty years’ experience in the field. Bamford Consulting Ecologists is a registered business and maintains Public Liability Insurance, Workers Compensation Insurance and Professional Indemnity Insurance.

Trained as a cognitive scientist, and with years of experience in IT and marketing, Josh manages the BCE web presence and assists with administration. He also regularly helps on field work, and has been assisting with fauna surveys since he was 5 years old. Josh spends part of the year in the UK, where he is completing a Doctorate in Cognitive and Evolutionary Anthropology at the University of Oxford.

Illustrator, Game Designer, Creative Writer, Content Creator, Educator, Environmental Enthusiast… and more!